Your safety is our priority!
Project is implemented by
With financial support of
We have already supported
media workers
insurance days
coverage 100 000
"Insurance for Ukrainian media is extremely important. To keep journalists safe and protected during their journalistic job during the war is a really big challenge for us. Proven, high-quality content is an integral element of our struggle. We have launched the project since the very first months of the full invasion and now restarted it since July and till the end of December.We are not an insurance company, we are the ones who organize the process of free insurance for you as media in cooperation with professional insurance company.
Together with the founders of the project - “Suspilne” Foundation, IMI, Detector Media, CDRL and RPDI, we are trying to help independent media to feel safer during their journalistic activities"
The International Insurance Fund for Journalists (IIFJ) is an initiative of six public organizations: Association of Independent Regional Publishers of Ukraine (AIRPU), "Suspilnist" Foundation, IMI, Detector Media, Centre for Democracy and Rule of Law and RPDI, aimed at organizing assistance to the media to be protected while creating news, reports and stories during the war.To ensure the openness and transparency of the work of the project, a Coordinating Council was created from representatives of the founders of the initiative.
Oksana Brovko
Association"Independent regional publishers of Ukraine"
Taras Petriv
Lyudmyla Pankratova
Regional PressDevelopment Institute
Oksana Romaniuk
Institute of mass information
Svitlana Ostapa
"Detector Media"
Ihor Rozkladai
Center for Democracy and Rule of Law
Insurance can be obtained for a fixer, journalist, videographer, editor, photographer.Apply via the link.
Applications are submitted no later than 24 hours before departure.
The independent body of the project - the IIFJ Coordination Council - reviews each application and makes a decision on whether to insure or reject the application.
In case of a positive decision, our coordinators will contact you. Due to the large number of applications, the organizers reserve the right not to notify in case of a negative decision.
Applications from journalists of those media that are honest and adhere to the Code of Journalistic Ethics are accepted.
A mandatory condition for obtaining insurance: in every printed, audio/video material created during a business trip where you were insured with the support of the IIFJ, you must indicate:"This content was prepared with the assistance of the International Insurance Fund for Journalists from the Association of Independent Regional Publishers of Ukraine, which is a part of the support program the Voice of Ukraine, which is coordinated by the European Center for Freedom of the Press and Mass Media. Voices of Ukraine is implemented as part of the Hannah Arendt initiative and financed by the German Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The program does not influence editorial policy, and the material reflects solely the views and information of the editorial team”
If you are a member of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
In a state of alcohol and drug intoxication
Damage by biological or chemical materials
Injuries due to a nuclear reaction
Intentional actions leading to danger
The insured's own criminal act
Angelina Karyakina
Chief Producer of Information Broadcasting of the Directorate of Information Broadcasting JSC "NSTU":
— The program of international insurance for journalists is extremely important for the journalists of "Suspilne". After all, they feel protected in dangerous areas and understand that in case of injury, they can count on the support of the fund. During the war, it is critically important for us, the media, to show what is happening in the territories where hostilities are ongoing or which were under the occupation of the Russian military. Journalists of "Suspilne" filmed many stories in Donetsk region, Luhansk region, in the south of our country. Millions, if not more, of people all over the world had the opportunity to see the real situation. We show not only the everyday life and heroism of our soldiers, but also the lives of civilians who are under enemy fire every day. At the same time, it is necessary to preserve the health and life of our employees.
Oleksandr Voloshyn
Operations manager of investigative journalism agency "Slidstvo.Info":
— Insurance of journalists working on the frontline or liberated territories is the need of our time.
Unfortunately, we do not have any state support program, so media people are forced to look for some
options to insure themselves. If you order the service from foreign companies directly, then no financing
of the editorial offices will be enough to cover the costs. Therefore, our colleagues now travel to the war
zone at their own peril and risk. Every minute of shooting is work in dangerous conditions. The support
of the international foundation is very valuable and helpful.
Oleksandr Takul
Branch manager of the National Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine "Regional Directorate UA:Sumy":
- The insurance program is very motivating for journalists. After all, they can feel more confident and
protected when performing professional tasks. In 2022, we were able to insure more than 10 people
and will definitely take advantage of this opportunity again.
Our journalists and operators actually work on the border with Russia every day. And every time it is a
big risk for them. After all, no one knows whether he will return. Journalist insurance is a necessity in the
circumstances we all find ourselves in. So we are grateful to our partners for their support.
Tetiana Kurmanova
Director of the PPO TRC "Hromadske Radio" and program director of Hromadske Radio:
— The work of media workers at the front is always a challenge both for themselves and for the entire
team. Danger is everywhere, insurance is a business necessity, not a whim. Many Ukrainian journalists
work as fixers for foreign colleagues. And I want to note: all foreign media workers have insurance for
every day. Unfortunately, this option is not available to us. In the event of an injury, our journalists can
now rely only on themselves or their relatives and friends. That is why the initiative with international
insurance is extremely helpful. This is a great opportunity to get a protection guarantee.
Anastasia Dashko
Correspondent of the branch of Suspilne UA:Donbas:
- Our correspondents do not just shoot stories in the war zone. Some of them even live there and work in conditions of constant threat to life. The program of the International Insurance Fund for Journalists is extremely helpful, because it gives the opportunity to have at least a minimal feeling that everything will be okay, that our employees are protected, that journalists can get help and financial support in case of injury.
Thanks to the work of journalists who also risk their lives every day, we show the world realities in which we live. We see with our own eyes the horrors that the war brought, we relay the truth and thus every day we do everything possible to speed up our victory.
Andriy Kramchenkov
Editor-in-chief of "Suspilne Sumy":
- I personally and my colleagues shoot scenes in Sumy region, which is under fire every day. Filming was recently held in Bilopilliya. We are going to record the consequences of the enemy's aggression right after the shelling, the attack on civilian objects. But none of us knows what and when will will be bombed during filming. The countdown is not even for minutes, but for seconds.
Every trip to border towns and villages is a lottery. Unfortunately, we do not have a sufficiently developed culture of life insurance. Even in wartime, journalists, cameramen and all team members who go on dangerous missions must be insured. At least that way we or our families can feel more at ease. And in case of injury or death, have some guarantees and financial support.
What documents should be submitted?
- There are fundamental points in the application: you must upload the business trip order, your journalist's certificate, accreditation (if needed). During the registration of the application and the preparation of the order, it is necessary to accurately indicate the settlements, their regions and the exact dates of stay in each of the regions of the insured person. The more qualitatively the APPLICATION is filled out, the faster you will receive a response from the project coordinators.
How much does insurance cost?
– Insurance is FREE. The project is implemented by the Association"Independent Regional Publishers of Ukraine" with the financial support of European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), Federal Foreign Office Germany, Voices of Ukraine as part of Hannah-Arendt-Initiative.
What exactly does the insurance cover and which regions of Ukraine? What is the amount of medical expenses compensated?
– Insurance covers travel to the following regions: Odesa, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, Mykolaiv, Luhansk, Donetsk, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Sumy, border territories of Kyiv and Chernihiv regions, as well as the settlements of Kursk region which are currently under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Insurance coverage – up to USD 100,000 for reimbursement of medical expenses in case of damage in the declared territory and in the period specified in the application. Therefore, it is important to correctly indicate the places where you are planning a business trip. In case of the death of the insured media worker, the family receives USD 100,000.
- Yes, we have no restrictions on the number and frequency of submission of applications. But we provide insurance within the monthly quota of insurance days.
- In case of an insured event, you or a person who is next to you can call our coordinators or directly to the insurance company. Our coordinator, who is available 24/7, is assigned to each group that goes on a business trip. So you will have guidance and support. This insurance is to cover costs. On-site medical assistance is not provided for these types of insurance.
So, if an insurance accident happened to you, the plan of action is as follows: first of all, take care of your own safety and get the necessary help on the spot. When you are already in relatively safe conditions, inform either the insurance company directly or your coordinator about what happened. And then you submit documents for reimbursement of medical expenses to the insurance company.